Friday, August 12, 2005

It's back!

Well school is coming around the corner in a matter of 3 and a bit weeks time. Am I happy about this? Yes I certainly am! Not only does school provide me with endless intellectual stimulation but ever since I started living in residence I've realized that I can actually socialize at school too!
This year is going to have some more pressure to it for sure. My General GRE is coming up on September the 26th at 1pm. I've been studying bits and pieces for it all summer. I'm at a stage now where I need to study the verbal section (I'm waiting for a nice Princeton Review book in the mail) and need to keep taking tests to make sure my Math studying has paid off. In terms of reading comprehension, I guess I need to find more practice questions on that to make sure that I'm good at it.

It's a little scary how much of my life school consumes. At the same time I have to admit that my life consists of studying, trying to have a bit of a social life, and preparing for my future. The consideration of what exactly my life is right now pretty much forces me to accept the fact that if I don't enjoy myself now (which thank G-d I am!) then some very precious time will be wasted.

It's a lot easier to goof off as a kid and do stupid things. You have plenty of time, you're not responsible for much (except hopefully your own safety!) and your parents pay for everything! I guess I picked up a definition of life from then that says that I should be pursuing things that are not related to work. My how things have changed!

I like work and school, they're very rewarding. It's just that I have a better idea now about how much of a tool we all become to the economic world around us. You're born, you have fun, you get your parents to buy you cool stuff, and then as you get older you add the element of work to your life. You: work for a living, contribute to society, it gives you money so that you can spend more money on yourself/your family, it uses that money to find ways of getting more money.

Hrmmmm very machiney perspective isn't it? It seems that's why we need ways of creating meaning in our lives, or else why should we continue?

There are a variety of things I can name that make my life worth living (not ranked in order!!):

Community (the subjective aspect to it, not the geographical aspect),
The Beauty of Nature,
The Sound of Music,


Wow I could go on for quite a while if I thought about it enough.

Life is beautiful, but right now I'm sitting in front of a laptop ignoring my hunger. I guess that means I'd better go sustain myself so that I can live more :)

Till next time,


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