Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Bathroom Research......

People in my residence have an awful sense of responsibility when it comes to the bathroom. They clog the toilet with toilet paper, they forget to flush their pee and they leave paper towel in the bathroom sink.

As a fun experiment I have decided to draw arrows pointing to the flush lever on the far wall of a toilet stall that I always find pee in.

I'm thinking that, when they come into the stall, the blue arrows will be one of the first things they see due to them being a vibrant change in a visually unchanging environment.

Upon seeing the blue arrows pointing to the flush lever, I am hoping that the schema in their minds that tells them how to flush the toilet will be activated so that after they are done they shall remember to do it!!!

Stay tuned for the results...


At 10:04 PM, November 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, that's a great idea, very creative! :P Keep me updated on what happens! ;)


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