Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Do you think that a Man is considered weak if he cries?

I watched the end of a cool remake of a Shakespeare Play titled "Titus Andronicus" yesterday. What really struck me about this play was the facility with which these characters were able to respond and act on their feelings. Anthony Hopkins, who plays the main character Titus, did a great job in displaying a wide range of emotion. Not the kind of emotion that creeps up on you after a dawning realization when the action has long since ended. The kind of emotional display that comes in quick response to one's environmental stresses and demands some course of action to fix events. The range of characters was great for what they represented. The mighty, reflective, anguished, then vengeful Titus. The scheming, remorseless, spiteful and cool Aaron. The vengeful, manipulative, power hungry Tamora, Queen of the Goths. The lustful, energetic, anti-social, sadistic Chiron and Demetrius.

Anyway hopefully you get the point by now :). I feel like I should be considering these characters to be one dimensional, but they're more than that. They're authentic, and that is what I think gave me such a good opinion of this play!

Are you authentic, or does emotion make you weak?


At 9:35 PM, June 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally I believe there's nothing wrong with expressing one's emotions, whether it's tears because one is sad, or tears that one is happy, or whichever way one chooses to express one's fact, if anything, expressing one's emotions is beneficial... however, as we live in a society with social norms, we know that it's not as acceptable for a man to cry in public as it is for a female... one time I was watching Dr. Phil, for instance, and this one man on the show kept crying because he was feeling so much, and he appeared on the show a lot of times (Dr. Phil was helping this family through the year) and this man cried a LOT, and that's how he expressed his emotions... I didn't really see anything wrong with that (though I did think it a bit much, almost like "for the show" tears)... however, the person I was watching it with (who was a female) did think it was too much, and she was disgusted to see a man cry. So I think due to our society's emphasis on men being strong and brave, and women being the weaker sex, and all that comes with these characteristics, we, inadvertently, interpret things a certain way; that is, we interpret emotions as we think appropriate.
- Marina


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